

VIII Edition of GRIB Day in Viladrau

Next June 28th and 29th will take place in Viladrau (Girona) the eight edition of the Stage of the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) of the Institut Municipal d´ Investigació Mèdica of Barcelona (IMIM) and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).

The objective of this two-day annual meeting is to present to all GRIB members and invited researchers from other research groups the main research lines and projects in which each of the nine research groups of the GRIB are working. 

On the one hand, on Tuesday 28th afternoon it will take place de first scientific session with the participation of three of the groups of the GRIB. On the other hand, during all Wednesday 29th, it will take place four scientific sessions more, that will involve the rest of the groups of the unit. The last day of the meeting it is also planned the communications of some external invited speakers whose research is connected in some aspects with the investigation of the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (IMIM/UPF).

The eight edition of GRIB Day will take place in the Hostal la Glòria, a centenary hotel in Viladrau, a municipality located between Les Guilleries and the Montseny mountain.

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