


A GRIB project granted in the last call of breast cancer research by the Sandra Ibarra Foundation

The project "Elucidating the Network of Breast Cancer" by Eduardo Eyras, head of the Regulatory  Genomics Group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) has been granted by the Sandra Ibarra Foundation of Solidarity Against Cancer. The project aims to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the splicing alterations in breast cancer that can remodel the network of protein-protein interactions. This work will contribute with signatures for breast cancer that may have not been detected before, will provide new knowledge about the role of splicing in breast cancer, and will serve to establish potential new lines of research to find novel therapeutic venues.

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Open PHACTS develops prototype app

The Open PHACTS   project has developed a prototype of an iPhone app that provides rapid access to information on compounds of interest to drug developers. A video demonstration   of the app on YouTube shows how simply typing the name of a drug into the app delivers information on its chemical structure, function, pharmacology, and latest news relating to it. The app is not yet available as it is still in the early stages of development. Meanwhile, the project team points out that ‘the aim is to show that the next generation of drug discovery APIs [application programming interfaces] make app development so much easier’.

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eTOX in the spotlight in special issue of Molecular Informatics

IMI’s drug toxicity project eTOX features in a special issue of the journal Molecular Informatics dedicated to advances in computational technology, a field where eTOX is making significant progress with its computer-based tools and models to predict drug toxicity. The challenges in the field are set out in a guest editorial by eTOX team member Thomas Steger-Hartmann of Bayer. The issue itself includes two contributions from eTOX. One article of the GRIB members Montserrat Cases, Manuel Pastor and Ferran Sanz presents the eTOX public library, which is described as ‘a useful resource for affording the in silico toxicity prediction of novel drug candidates’. A second article signed by researchers of the partner AstraZeneca, discusses the challenge of screening potential drugs for unintended side effects.

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GRIB organise a Translational and Integrative Bioinformatics Postgraduate course in Barcelona

LAST WEEK to apply! (deadline 22nd of March)

The course will take place from 22nd to 26th of April 2013 at Barcelona Supercomputing Center and provides insight on the different integrative and translational research approaches in the field of Bioinformatics. The students will meet internationally renowned experts in the field and gain knowledge about the current challenges and opportunities in the emerging field of translational bioinformatics. The course is targeted to graduate students with background on: Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Mathematics, Physics, Biomedical Engineering or related areas and is organized by the european FP7 project INBIOMEDvision led by the GRIB.

Click here for application form and other details

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Bioinformatics Barcelona Platform


Ferran Sanz, director of the joint UPF-IMIM Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics GRIB, will be the scientific director of the new platform Bioinformatics Barcelona (BiB)

Three Catalan universities (UAB, UPC and UPF) and representatives of ten biological and biomedical research institutes, together with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and BioCat, last week signed an agreement to create Bioinformatics Barcelona (BiB), a platform which aims to promote training, research, and the transfer of technology in bioinformatics and hopefully will turn the Barcelona area into an international point of reference in the field of bioinformatics through cooperation between universities, centres of research, and other public and private entities.

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VI Conferencia Anual de las Plataformas de Investigación Biomédica, Madrid 20-21de Marzo 2013

La innovación en abierto es ya una realidad en la investigación biomédica. Hoy más que nunca es necesario contar con las aportaciones de todos los agentes públicos y privados para transformar de forma eficiente el conocimiento científico en innovaciones que mejoren la salud de las personas. Esta sexta Conferencia repasa las actividades de las cuatro plataformas de investigación biomédica en 2012 y debate aspectos clave que marcarán los proyectos para los próximos años. 

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PHI group


CADD Group is now PhI Group

The Computer-Assisted Drug Design (CADD) group of GRIB lead by Manuel Pastor has changed its name to PharmacoInformatics group (Acronym PhI). This new identification name aims to better represent the research activities carried out by the group, focused towards the development and application of computational methodologies to the design of new drugs.

You can follow the activities of this group at the renamed web

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Structural Bioinformatics group of GRIB


El GRIB ha desenvolupat un sistema predictiu acurat per predir la interacció entre proteïnes

En un treball publicat en la revista Journal of Molecular Biology, investigadors del GRIB (UPF-IMIM) coordinats per Baldomero Oliva, cap del grup de Bioinformàtica Estructural es mostra el paper que juguen algunes característiques de caire estructural inherents a aquests tipus de molècules (llaços i dominis) que fan més entenedors els mecanismes moleculars de les interaccions que estableixen les proteïnes entre sí.

Treball de referència:

Planas-Iglesias J,  Bonet J,  García-García J,  Marín-López MA,  Feliu E,  Oliva B. (2013), " Understanding Protein-Protein Interactions Using Local Structural Features ", J Mol Biol , 23 de gener, doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2013.01.014.

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Un vídeo de Núria López-Bigas finalista al concurs BiomediCine de Biopol'H

Nuria López-Bigas, cap del grup de genòmica biomèdica del GRIB (IMIM-UPF), amb el seu vídeo “CATGmusic” ha estat finalista a BiomediCine, primer concurs de vídeo biomèdic organitzat per Biopol’h. En aquest link CATG music podeu visualitzar aquesta petita obra d'art feta per la nostra companya. Felicitats Núria! 

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Thesis defence of Joan Planas: On the study of 3D structure of proteins for developing new algorithms to complete the interactome and cell signalling networks

Today at 11:00, Joan Planas, member of the Structural Bioinformatics Group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) will defend his thesis in the Auditorium of PRBB.

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