



Thesis of Anna Bauer: Integrative approaches to investigate the molecular basis of diseases and adverse drug reactions: from multivariate statistical analysis to systems biology.

Anna Bauer, member of the Integrative Bioinformatics laboratory of GRIB (IMIM/ UPF) will defence her thesis the 8th of november at 11:30 at PRBB Auditorium.

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La simulación multiescala, útil para predecir cardiotoxicidad

La toxicidad que causan algunos fármacos sobre órganos vitales como el corazón, el hígado o el cerebro, representa uno de los grandes obstáculos en los ensayos clínicos. Los nuevos modelos de predicción por simulación matemática abren nuevos horizontes en este campo.

Ver Artículo en Diario Médico del 13 de Octubre 2010

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La medicina del futur

Debat televisiu on va participar Jordi Villà, cap del laboratori de Bioquímica i Biofísica Computacional del GRIB (IMIM/ UPF) al programa ANGLES de la Televisió L'H

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Molecular modeling makes impact !

The members of the group Computer-Assisted Drug Design (CADD) in the GRIB (IMIM/ UPF), Laura López, Cristian Obiol-Pardo and Jana Selent have competed very successfully in the organized international competition "GPCR Dock 2010" promoted by the group of Raymond C. Stevens (Scripps Research Institute of California).

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L’Ésser Humà Virtual: simulant el funcionament del cos humà

Com podem usar les matemàtiques per entendre els processos fisiològics?

El divendres 8 d’octubre va acabar la reunió del segon grup d’estudi de la Virtual Physiology Human Network of Excellence (VPH NoE), una xarxa d’excel·lència europea que, durant 5 anys, està coordinant una sèrie d'activitats relacionades amb el desenvolupament de l'Ésser Humà Virtual, amb l’objectiu de generar simulacions de models multiescala que reprodueixen el funcionament del cos de la mol·lècula a l’òrgan.

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Nils Drechsel won the best poster award at the VPH conference 2010 in Brussels

Nils Drechsel, member of the Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics Laboratory, won one of the two poster awards for the best poster at the VPH conference 2010 in Brussels which took place early October. The poster with the title "Implementation of a Multiscale Model for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Protein Folding and Aggregation" compromises the recent advancements in multiscale molecular dynamics, as well as developments regarding the molecular simulator ADUN.

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Thesis of Adrian López: Computational Approaches to the Modelling of Topological and Dynamical Aspects of Biochemical Networks. PRBB, October the 19th at 11:00

Adrián López, member of Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics laboratory of GRIB (UPF/ IMIM) will defence his thesis the 19th of October 2010 at 11:00 in the Parc Recerca Biomedica de Barcelona (PRBB) at XIPRE Seminar at the 1st floor of the building.

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Presentations of the 2nd VPH NoE study group this Friday!

The VPH study group presentations will take place on Friday 8th, Xipre room, starting at 11AM. It is expected to have 4-5 different presentations on the topics developed by the participants in the 2nd VPH NoE study group during this week. More information and final program can be found at

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Com s'aplica la tecnologia al disseny de nous fàrmacs?

 La revista del Col·legi de Farmaceùtics de Barcelona [i] CoFB publica aquest mes una entrevista a Manuel Pastor, cap del laboratori de disseny de fàrmacs assistit  per ordinador del GRIB (IMIM/ UPF).

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DisGeNET, a new software to query and analyze a network representation of human gene-disease databases

The Integrative Biomedical group of GRIB (IMIM/ UPF) led by Ferran Sanz has published at the journal Bioinformatics an article that shows the DisGeNET, a new plugin for Cytoscape to query and analyze a network representation of human gene-disease databases.

Article reference: DisGeNET: a Cytoscape plugin to visualize, integrate, search and analyze gene-disease networks. Anna Bauer-Mehren; Michael Rautschka; Ferran Sanz; Laura I. Furlong Bioinformatics 2010

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