


3/5/2010 (Press Release)

The ARITMO project researches the risk of arrhythmia that may be caused by some antipsychotic, antihistamine and anti-infective drugs

Jordi Mestres, head of Chemogenomics Laboratory of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) is an important participant in this project financed with 2.7 million euros by the European Commission.

ARITMO arose out of the need to identify not only which medications prolong the QT interval, but also those that can cause serious side effects as well as discover the factors that are associated with this risk. The project, which will last a total of 36 months, will analyse the arrhythmogenic potential of more than 250 antipsychotic, antihistamine and anti-infective drug compounds on the initiative of the European Medicines Agency Pharmaco-Surveillance Group. The medical data of more than 27 million Europeans will be analysed. The objective of the project is to provide doctors with better guidance when making drug prescription decisions.

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The chronic lymphocytic leukaemia project reveals the first oncogenic mutations

The International Cancer Genome Consortium, which will study the genomes of more than 25,000 cancer patients, has presented its latest research results in the journal Nature

The chronic lymphocytic leukemia genome project is coordinated in Spain, and the researcher Nuria López-Bigas, head of Biomedical Genomics laboratory of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) participates on the bioinformatics analysis of data and the coordination and management of Consortium data.

Reference work: The International Cancer Genome Consortium (2010). "International network of cancer genome projects". Nature. DOI: 10.1038/nature08987

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GRIB organizes the third course on Design and Management of Research Projects

A course on 4 sessions: May 10th, 11th, 12th and 19th 2010 that includes the main stages of any project's life cycle.
This course aims at providing researchers with some basic knowledge about project management, with specific emphasis on proper design and implementation of research projects.

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The 7th Special Interest Group meeting on Alternative Splicing (AS-SIG) will take place on July 9-10, 2010 in Boston, MA (US)

The AS-SIG2010 meeting is scheduled immediately before the ISMB2010 conference and will take place at the same location. This year's topic is "The emerging connection between chromatin, non-coding RNA and splicing".
The list of invited (and confirmed) speakers include Christopher Burge, Gil Ast, Roderic Guigo, Claes Wadelius, Reini Luco, Mariano Allo, Kevin Morris, etc..

Eduardo Eyras, head of Regulatory Genomics Group of GRIB (IMIM/UPF) takes part of the organizing committee of the meeting.
The call for abstracts is now open and the preliminary deadline is on May 7th.
Please visit the website for continuously updated information. We do hope to see you this year in Boston.

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A work published in Genome Research identifies many new functional amino acid tandem repeats in human proteins

The Evolutionary Genomics group of GRIB (UPF - IMIM), led by Mar Albà, has published at the Journal Genome Research a study that shows, using a comparative genomics approach, that many more amino acid tandem repeats in human proteins than previously suspected are likely to be functional.

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Ignasi Buch granted at the "24th Molecular Modeling Workshop 2010" celebrated at Erlangen (Germany)

Ignasi Buch, predoctoral student at Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics Laboratory of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) has been granted with the first prize for the conference "High-throughput all-atom molecular dynamics simulations using distributed computing" at the "24th Molecular Modeling Workshop 2010" celebrated at Erlangen (Germany).

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iPHACE, un programari que permet explorar visualment l'espai farmacològic

Noticia publicada per la UPF l'1 de març de 2010

El 15 de febrer, la revista internacional Bioinformatics , una de les millors en l'àmbit de les matemàtiques i la biologia computacional, va publicar un article sobre una aplicació web desenvolupada pel Laboratori de Quimiogenòmica, dirigit per Jordi Mestres , dins el Grup de Recerca en Informàtica Biomèdica (GRIB) de la UPF-IMIM.

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Plataformas de colaboración público-privada (Noticia publicada en Diario Médico el 25/2/2010)

Profesionales de empresas privadas e instituciones públicas implicadas en las tres grandes plataformas tecnológicas de investigación biomédica españolas sobre medicamentos innovadores, nanomedicina y tecnología sanitaria se han reunido en Barcelona por tercer año consecutivo para compartir sus respectivas experiencias, en colaboración con Biocat, Farmaindustria, Fenin y la Fundación IMIM.

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25 European organisations unite their efforts towards a better prediction of toxic effects of new drug candidates

The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) funds for 5 years a consortium consisting of 13 European pharmaceutical companies and 12 academic groups and SMEs to develop information technologies-based solutions for improved toxicity prediction of new drug candidates. The academic coordination of the project is in charge of Ferran Sanz,  Director of GRIB (IMIM-UPF).

eTOX project aims to develop innovative methodological strategies and novel software tools to better predict the toxicological profiles of new molecular entities in early stages of the drug development pipeline. This is planned to be achieved by sharing and jointly exploiting legacy reports of toxicological studies from participating pharmaceutical companies The project will coordinate the efforts of specialists from industry and academia in the wide scope of disciplines that are required for a more reliable modelling of the complex relationships existing between molecular and in vitro information and the in vivo toxicity outcomes of drugs.

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Biana: a software framework for compiling biological interactions and analyzing networks

The 27th of January the journal BMC Bioinformatics has published un article about a the software BIANA (Biologic Interactions and Network Analysis) a tool for biological information integration and network management, developed by the Laboratory of Structural Bioinformatics led by Baldomero Oliva (GRIB-UPF/IMIM).

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