

Results 31 - 40 of about 126

Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Rosas M, Valverde S, Solé RV. Topological vulnerability of the European power grid under errors and attacks. Int J Bifurcat Chaos 2007; 17(7). 2465-75


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Fellermann H, Rasmussen S, Ziock HJ, Solé RV. Life cycle of a minimal protocell-a dissipative particle dynamics study. Artif Life 2007; 13(4):319-45.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Fellermann H, Solé RV.Minimal model of self-replicating nanocells: a physically embodied information-free scenario. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2007; 362(1486): 1803-11.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Munteanu A, Stephan C, Attolini O, Rasmussen S, Ziock HJ, Solé RV. Generic Darwinian selection in catalytic protocell assemblies. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2007; 362(1486): 1847-55.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Macía J, Solé RV. Protocell self-reproduction in a spatially extended metabolism-vesicle system. J Theor Biol 2007; 245(3): 400-10.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Sardanyés J, Solé RV. Spatio-temporal dynamics in simple asymmetric hypercycles under weak parasitic coupling. Physica D 2007; 231(2): 116-29


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Solé RV, Munteanu A, Rodriguez-Caso C, Maciá J. Synthetic protocell biology: from reproduction to computation. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2007; B362: 1727-39.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Macià J, Solé RV. Synthetic Turing protocells: vesicle self-reproduction through symmetry-breaking instabilities. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2007; 362(1486): 1821-9.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Sardanyés J, Solé RV. Chaotic stability in spatially-resolved host-parasite replicators: the Red Queen on a lattice. Int J Bifurcat Chaos 2007; 17(2): 1-18.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Sardanyés J, Solé RV. Delayed transitions in non-linear replicator networks: About ghosts and hypercycles. Chaos Solitons Fractals 2007; 31 (2): 305-15.


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