

Results 81 - 90 of about 126

Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Valverde S, Solé RV. Internet´s Critical Path Horizon. European Physics Journal 2004; 38(2): 245-52.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Solé RV, Alonso D, Saldanya J. Habitat Fragmentation and biodiversity collapse in neutral communities. Ecological Complexity 2004; 1: 65-75.


Book chapters - Complex Systems

Solé RV, Valverde S. Information theory of complex networks: on evolution and architectural constraints. In: Networks: Structure, Dynamics and Function. Lecture notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag; 2004. p. 169-90.


Book chapters - Complex Systems

Ferrer R, Koehler R, Solé RV. Patterns in syntactic dependency networks. Physical Review E 2004; 69: 32767.


Book chapters - Complex Systems

Berlow EL, Neutel AM, Montoya JM and et al. Interaction strengths in food webs: issues and opportunities. J Anim Ecol 2004; 73: 585-98.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Valverde S. A new science for a connected world. Curr Anthropol 2004; 45(4): 565-6.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Ferrer R. Decoding least effort and scaling in signal frequency distributions. Physica A 2004; 345: 275-84.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Buhl J, Gautrais J, Solé RV, Valverde S, Deneubourg JL, Theraulaz G. Efficiency and robustness in ant networks of galleries. European Physics Journal 2004; 42: 123-9.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Alonso D, McKane A. Sampling Hubbell´s Neutral Theory of Biodiversity. Ecol Lett 2004; 7 (10): 901-6.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Solé RV, Munteanu A. The large-scale organization of chemical reaction networks in astrophysics. Europhys Lett 2004; 68(2): 170-6.


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